On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, Vince Hoang wrote:

> Well "libertarian" and "liberal" are not necessarily bad words.

Heck no. Lots of people would call me a liberal and while I'm not a
doctrinaire libertarian, I know reasonable, polite people who are.
Um, like my brother.

What I was hearing were reports of a convention panel where ESR arrived
late and then disrupted the scheduled discussion of Scottish science
fiction (Iain Banks, Ken MacLeod, Charlie Stross) with a diatribe against

> Whether or not you agree with ESR's political opinions, he was a
> significant catalyst in legitimizing the free software movement.

Absolutely. People with strong opinions and a way with words give good
quote. The Cathedral and the Bazaar is very convincing. However, see also
Bezukhov (sp?) on Vulgar Raymondism.

I guess all I want to do is suggest that the moderator may want to take a
strong line on on-topic-ness.

Karen Lofstrom

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