On Thu, 2003-05-01 at 20:48, Robin wrote:
> Okay, I'm pretty new at this and I am impressed at what open source
> can do for the public schools.  Then why is the state pushing MS
> Office?  
> Just on Tuesday I was a visitor at UH Engineering college, they too
> have so much to offer the state, I'm saying why not use the college to
> develop open source programs, other equiptment (servers,
> computers) for the state and keep the money and the knowledge base in
> the state.  They already do major research projects that can mean $$$
> for the state.  
> I think there is major politics going on.  The more I seem to know I
> understand why the state is in major financial crisis.
> Just my opinion--might not be suitable for this forum.

Very suitable for this forum.  Please read my earlier post about Open
Source in government and how it can benefit Hawaii's economy.


The only trick is convincing people about the economic, functional and
social benefits of Open Source Software.  That is a difficult thing, but
we are making slow but steady progress on that.

Warren Togami

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