Aloha, everyone.  I just found this list on the web, and thought I'd
join you all and introduce myself.

My name is Mark Kawika Pettit.  I currently live in Wai`anae.  I was
born in Hawaii but my family moved away when I was six.  I just
recently (last September) moved back, and I'm very glad I did.

I'm a Unix Administrator by trade.  I used to work for Yahoo in
Sunnyvale, where I maintained about 7,000 different Unix boxes all
around the world.  Mostly FreeBSD, but also some Solaris and Linux
boxes.  I've been using Linux since 0.99p12, and in fact Linux was my
official introduction to the world of Unix.  :)

This list seems to be pretty active, and that's great.  I'm hoping
I'll be able to contribute to the list in some ways, and maybe help
people out if I have knowledge or skills that would be useful.  :)

I'm currently working part-time for, a small hosting
company in Hale`iwa, but that's a heck of a commute.  I'm hoping to
find work here either as a Unix Admin or a Network Admin, but as I'm
sure you all know, the job market's pretty tough.  So I'm just keeping
my skills sharp until the right job shows up.

Anyway, that's me.  I'm looking forward to contributing to the list,
and hopefully someday get to meet some of you.


Mark K. Pettit

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