Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:
Thanks, you're right.  It should be milliseconds, not miniseconds.  :-)

np :)

The technology on flash memory is evolving so rapidly, no one really knows what we could expect. For example, go to the USPTO web site and do a quick and dirty search on "flash memory" and "Liauh", and you will find at least 11 patents. There are always those little bitty things that are constantly invented to improve the read, and more particularly, write, speed. Remember 7 or 8 years ago when we thought the EDO DRAM has reached the possible speed limit of dynamic memory cells? Current flash memory is almost at the same stage of the EDO DRAM.


And 15-20 years ago people would ahve insisted that 2400bps was the maximum theoretical speed possible over POTS :) I guess you'er right. People are insisting that flash is pretty mcuh completely evolved and any improvements will be incremental at best, but it only takes one major breakthrough!


P.S. Just a friendly reminder to please trim your quoted original mail in responses.

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