I don't think this post is appropriate. This is a forum for Linux, not
politics. Thanks.
On Fri, 2003-07-11 at 13:12, Deven Phillips wrote:
> Aloha,
> The President took the nation to war based on his assertion that Iraq
> posed an imminent threat to our country.  Now the evidence that
> backed that assertion is falling apart.
> If the Bush administration distorted intelligence or knowingly used
> false data to support the call to war, it would be an unprecedented
> deception.  Even if weapons are now found, it'll be difficult to
> justify pre-war language that indicated that the exact location of the
> weapons was known and that they were ready to deploy at a moment's
> notice.  With a crisis of credibility brewing abroad and the integrity
> of our President and our foreign policy on the line, we need answers
> now.
> Rep. Henry Waxman has introduced legislation to create an independent
> commission to investigate the Bush administration's distortion of 
> evidence.  Please ask your Representative to pledge his or her support 
> at:
>    http://www.moveon.org/wmdpledge/
> A President may make no more important decision than whether or not to
> take a country to war.  If Bush and his officials deceived the American
> public to create support for the Iraq war, they need to be held
> accountable.  
> Thanks.
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