Hi all,
Maybe the Apple's Network Browser would allow us to find our LTSP server
and login.

Know how easy it is browse through the files and folders on your hard
disk, or to select a printer on your network? With the Network Browser
feature in Mac OS 9, that's how easy it is to find Internet file servers,
FTP servers and web servers, and browse through files and directories on
FTP servers across the World Wide Web. The Mac OS 9 Network Browser
remembers commonly used networks and servers for quick access, and lets
you connect to others simply by typing an URL.
The Network Browser feature in Mac OS 9 lets you see servers on TCP/IP
networks the way you're able to see AppleShare servers on AppleTalk
networks listed in the Chooser. The Mac OS 9 Network Browser supports
SLP the industry-standard protocol for "ad hoc" networks so you can find
other computers on your local area network. The Mac OS 9 Network Browser
also supports the domain name services (DNS) protocol to take advantage of
existing network infrastructures, as well as LDAP (the directory protocol
for arbitrary organization of network resources). The result? You suddenly
have the perfect network-sleuthing complement to Sherlock yet another
great way to find stuff on the Internet.


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