* Patrick Wardle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [22/08/2003 1905EDT]:
> Hi, i'm new to Linux.
> I have a fairly new laptop, that is running XP pro. I
> partitioned the hard-drive, and was wondering if i
> could install linux on this other partition, then at
> boot time choose which OS to boot to. I was thinking
> about redhat. Any suggestions about if i can do this
> or what time of Linux to install??? thanks a lot
> -Pat

You can certainly do this.  At Linux installation time you would "slice"
that other partition ("slice" is a Solaris term actually) -- meaning
you'd create more partitions (primary and/or extended and logical) --
and install Linux to it.  Also during the install process you'd
configure a "boot loader" which is what you'd use to choose which OS to
boot.  The boot loader will either be LILO (LInux LOader) or GRUB (GRand
Unified Boot loader) depending on your preference.  LILO has been around
since the birth of linux so I use it personally although many people
have a likeness for GRUB these days, regardless of it being an
experimental boot loader. See http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/

Both of these boot loaders will be able to boot XP for you in addition
to Linux and many other OSes.

Good luck and welcome to Linux!
Keith R. John Warno                  [k r j w  at  optonline dot net]

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