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Rodney Kanno wrote:

| I have a dual processor computer, but I am getting the impression
| that Linux is using only one processor. I am running SUSE 9.0, with
| the 2.4.21-166-smp4G kernel. Doing a cat /proc/cpuinfo shows that
| Linux is detecting 2 cpu's. However, when I try to run video, the
| video is very choppy and pretty much un-watchable. Ksim also shows
| only one cpu in use (cpu0), but displays cpu0 and cpu1. This system
| was giving me problems before where for some reason, the BIOS would
| detect only 1 processor. When this occured, video playback was fixed.
| Could the BIOS alsobe causing Linux to use only one processor (but
| detect two) as well? Or is there a setting somewhere in Linux to make
| use of both? I can dual boot to windows, and windows shows both
| processors in use from task manager. Any help would be greatly
| appreciated!

Multiple processessors usually only benefit multiple processes.  And no
single process shuld go any faster than one processor.  What does top
show you?  As far as choppy video is concerned this sort of information
is useful:  How fast are your processors?  What is the cpu utilization
or top processes while paying video?  What are you using to play the
video?  What bitrate/codec is the video?  What video drivers are you using?

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