On Fri, Jan 23, 2004 at 06:55:56PM -1000, Andrew Keyes wrote:
> I have a four year old 550MHz machine which had a 10GB hard drive.  I 
> just purchased a new 80GB drive and am looking for recommendations on 
> how to make the most of it.

Slice it up into many partitions to make room for all the
distributions you are going to try.

> Secondly should I download and make some CDs first and then do
> an install, are the CD images on the videl server somewhere?

ftp://hosef.ics.hawaii.edu/IMAGES/ has a ton of ISOs.

> I also need Windows as well, and so was wondering for GRUB is
> still the best boot manger for a dual or triple boot system.

Grub is more friendly, especially for desktops, but I still like
lilo for servers.

> Finally I was wondering about making extended partitions,
> does linux care if the swap partition is a main partition or
> extended? what about other partitions?

This is not really an issue any more.

> If Warren or who ever runs the luau site is interested I can
> take the answers and make an HTML page to post on this sort of
> decision making.

I would love it if people that ask questions made a summary and
added it to the wiki: http://www.mplug.org/phpwiki/


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