Recently I've been turned onto supercomputer technology and have been reading as much as I can about it on the internet (too bad, no man pages). I'm trying to build a cluster of multiple OSes involving both PC and Mac hardware. The main backbone of the cluster will be linux desktops but the terminals will be all different types.

I understand how to set up my network and the basics of how to do it, but need help with the actual coding and implimentation. I'm self-taught c++ and don't have the background to add a layer that takes the data right before it reaches the processor, splits it, then sends it out over the network for the other computers to share their resources. Also, there isn't a lot of information about programming of Macs OS 7 and up (excluding X cause it's just Unix), so any help with that end of the interface would be awsome.

Any help in general would be appreciated. If at all possible, I would like to keep coding to C or C++ for portabilit y issues, but assembly is ok too.

- DrDelambre


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