On Sun, May 23, 2004 at 03:10:15PM -0600, Paul wrote:
> The <VirtualHost> directive is a pain since I have to restart
> Apache every time there is a change. I would like an option to
> do reconfiguration dynamically and prevent restarts. I have
> also heard that too man <VirtualHost> entries begin to really
> slow Apache down, at least in its starts and stops.

Startup is slower because apache has to parse its ever growing
configuration file. The alternative is running many separate
instances of apache, so it is a small price to pay.

> Mod_Rewrite seems like a really good option, but I fail to see
> a way to pass unique directives to each virtual host.

Mod_rewrite is a great tool, but I always keep the rewrite rules
within each respective virtual host.

> Or has anyone found a different way to dynamically add or
> delete virtual hosts without having to restart Apache?

With `apachectl graceful`, the parent pid rereads the
configuration file and tells the old children to die off when
they are done serving pages. Be sure to do an `apachectl
configtest` beforehand because typos in the configuration file
will cause apache to exit completely.


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