On Sun, 2004-10-10 at 20:38, MonMotha wrote:
> Yeah, I actually have a question for once :)
> I'm not really an X guy, so I wouldn't even know where to begin on this.
> I'm interested in setting up alternate input methods to allow me to type 
> characters that aren't on my keyboard in X.  I'm mostly interested in the 
> greek characters as well as Katakana from Japanese (and if I get Hirigana 
> and Kanji as a bonus, so be it).


Are you looking for keyboard mapping, or just a input method?  I find
that Kword allows you to insert special characters (those unicode
characters you have fonts to handle?).  I use it for inputting greek
into texts. 
> No distro specific solutions are allowed (other than maybe Debian if you 
> must, though I'd prefer to keep it distro neutral so I could do it on 
> another distro if I had to).  Any software that Debian has a package for 
> (which is pretty much everything) can be used (so things like the kana 
> manager), but I need to know the actual config changes that need to be made.

CJK is a whole different thing, if you want to do more than insert a few
characters.  There are a few input utilities for X out there, I use
kinput2, but I know other list members use others. And I think Warren
had a helpful webpage on the topic.  But is this what you need? 
> --MonMotha
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