Jimen Ching wrote:
On Tue, 12 Oct 2004, MonMotha wrote:

Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:

MonMotha wrote:

with a bunch of useless information

When you post a message in any public forum, make sure you watch your
manner.  Of course, I have been a big violator myself.

You know, I've been on here a while.  If you don't like me, I'll
unsubscribe.  In fact, with how Redhat/Fedora centric this list has
become, it is useless to me; I'll go ahead and unsubscribe after this post.

I've been on the Internet long enough to know one fact; there's no place
that is free from zealots of one thing or another.  No matter where you
go, there will always be someone who will tell you to go somewhere else.

As for Redhat/Fedora centricity, I agree.  Both Scott and I push Debian.
But I don't think anyone can deny that Redhat/Fedora has the largest
install base.  With a base like that, you'll never find any mailing list
that is totally devoid of Redhat.

I don't run RedHat (or Fedora), and I've never felt non-welcome. (I do run a mix of gentoo, debian, and a whole-buncha different embedded stuff, most of which is based on 'buildroot'.)

None of it is the be-all-end-all (nor is Fedora or RH), but they're all useful to varying degrees, and with enough work, and can change (almost) any of it if it pisses me off. (RH being the lone exception.)

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