On Thu, 07 Oct 2004 10:25:32 -1000, Charles Lockhart
> I'm setting up a wiki on a linux box for the group I work in.  The
> intent is that it'll help facilitate project management, documenation,
> scheduling, that kind of thing.  But I'm having trouble figuring out
> which wiki software to use.  I've run "tiki" a bit on my own machine,
> and it's fine for me, but it's a bit flaky, and the documentation is
> really junk, so I'm leaning away from that.  I've looked at "twiki", but
> don't have any time really using it.  So I was wondering what
> recommendations people who use/admin wiki systems would have?

Twiki has been known to be most featureful. I normally recommend
people start out with moinmoin or phpwiki if only for the simplicity.


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