This Saturday at CompUSA, HOSEF will be assisting our schools by testing and loading the equipment being donated by the public as part of the Computers for Kids recycling day. With a generator, two tables, and 14 power cables, we will make sure that the equipment powers on. For those of you who have volunteered time at this event, you can appreciate how hectic it can be to select and load stuff.

We would love your help by:

1. Facilitating the contact between Ken Goldstein of CFK and the school's representative
2. Helping the school to sort, select, test, and load equipment that is
a. Not Junk and
b. Meets some minimum criteria
3. Help Schools by stripping NICS, ram, etc. from equipment
4. Help CompUSA and Computers for Kids to load excess equipment on the Lenox Metals trucks for future recycling.

Your assistance can be that of brute force, it can be wielder of the electric screwdriver (bring your own), it can that of tester, or any other creative way that you can suggest or that Computers for Kids requests.

While we are interested in seeing every computer there running Free and Open Source applications, this is more a day to help the schools and less a day of advocacy. We are certainly on hand to advise what can be used in what way to run Linux on the Desktop or as a thin-client, but the school's representative knows best, and we defer to their expertise.

Please reply in thread if you intend to come. If you intend to help, but your lurker status is too powerful, just show up.


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