Gurus on the LUAU List..

Could somebody please assist with this request since I am not an XP person and Fedora guys on this list know a lot more Linux than I do since I am a FreeBSD user.

Thanks,  Al Plant...
William H. Jones II wrote:
Capt. Al,
I was on the internet looking at some local linux pages (HOSEF, MPLUG, etc...) and I came across your site. Noticing that you are a webmaster, I thought you may be able to answer a networking question of mine. I've tried to look at the documentation, but it's still very confusing for me. I am currently emloying a wired-wireless network. In windows (XP Pro and Media Center), everything works fine and all computers can "see" each other. However, in Linux, it's a different story. We are currently sharing a cable internet connection. Basically, my brother-in-law has the computer with MS Media Center. His computer is connected to the cable modem and the D-Link DI-624 wireless router. My desktop computer, running both Windows XP Pro and Fedora Core 3, has a Belkin F5D7000 wireless adapter with the Hawkings Technology HST-1 range extender. My laptop, also running Windows XP Pro and Fedora Core 3, has a D-Link DWL-G650. I can access the internet using either OS, but am having problems understand how to implement networking under Linux. It should pretty much be the same across most LInux distros, although BSD is most likely different. My question is this: do I simply need to add a route to the other computer running Linux (the router assigns static IPs to both computers via DCHP)? In other words, can I simply do the following:?

route add -host <IP of other computer> wlan0

or would I have to do something else? I guess I could just go ahead and try it, but wanted to ask someone in advance, in case I screwed anything up.

Thanks in advance for your reply,

William Jones
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (they only teach Windows) :(
US Navy, Retired (22 years)

Al Plant -Webmaster
Supporting Open Source in computing with FreeBSD 4.9
"Failure only happens when you stop trying." - Omar Periu

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