During TPOSSCON you will have the chance to hear John Terpstra discuss his global work to fight software patents.

The prior Saturday and Monday, January 15 and January 17, Mr. Terpstra has agreed to hold an intense, two-day SAMBA workshop at the McKinley Community School for Adults for 20 people only. The classes will be help from 8-6.

For $375 attendees will receive

An autographed copy of his book,
The Official Samba-3 HOWTO & Reference Guide, ISBN: 0131453556

Lunch (pizza)

20 hours of intense focus

A unique opportunity to spend time with a globally recognized master of perhaps the *most* critical windows replacing OSS application, SAMBA.

Mr. Terpstra's other books are

Samba-3 by Example, ISBN: 0131472216
Hardening Linux, ISBN: 0072254971

with more in production.

You can reserve your spot now by writing Scott Belford, [EMAIL PROTECTED], and mentioning something about SAMBA in your subject. Your spot will be guaranteed by sending payment to our PO Box, or by paying online in the next day or two once our paypal link is created. You will be advised once it is ready.

These spots will fill *very* fast, so please take advantage of this rare and worthy opportunity.


R. Scott Belford
The Hawaii Open Source Education Foundation
PO Box 392
Kailua, HI 96734
808.689.6518 phone/fax

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