Slashdot recently referenced a good article about the growing number of Brute Force Attacks against ssh

Night after night my server is one whose logs fill with thousands of lines like these:

Security Events
Jul 27 03:02:07 debby sshd[19964]: Failed password for illegal user daisy from ::ffff: port 36812 ssh2 Jul 27 03:02:09 debby sshd[20058]: Failed password for illegal user dorina from ::ffff: port 36912 ssh2 Jul 27 03:02:11 debby sshd[20143]: Failed password for illegal user marian from ::ffff: port 37011 ssh2 Jul 27 03:02:14 debby sshd[20195]: Failed password for illegal user juan from ::ffff: port 37114 ssh2 Jul 27 03:02:16 debby sshd[20243]: Failed password for illegal user don from ::ffff: port 37212 ssh2

I don't allow Root logins and I only allow trusted users.

How are others handling this? Do you block the IP address? If so, does it help, or are you still found by yet another zombie? Any suggestions or insight are welcome.


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