
I am having trouble with one of our servers.

It is a Dell 1750 with hardware SCSI Raid 1.  We are running Debian.

The server fell apart last weekend (after fsck from a rescue CD the
'/' file system was empty).  We wiped the disks, loaded the base
debian, and restored our back ups.  The back up is an image type, i.e.
all the same bianaries were restored.

This weekend it was acting wierd again and will not return after a
reboot.  We have restored to anther server and are back up & running.

Does anyone know of a Linux 'rescue CD' that i can boot off of and run
tests on the hard drive system?  I think they write all different
kinds of patterns to the disks.

Googling led to Memtest86, I am running it now.


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