Jim Thompson wrote:

Don't know Japanese? McKinley has an English-centric Japanese  language
program. After 30 dollars and 30 hours, you may become itchy to try to
sell Fedora machines in Japan.)

This sounds cool.  Where do I find out more?


Oops, I was hoping no one would notice this little secret. I am really going to kick my own 8th. The best way to find out is to go there (Pensacola & Rycroft, a couple of blocks from the northwest corner of Ala Moana) so you can also assess the "logistics" (i.e., whether you can make it two nights a week). Don't be fooled by the tuition cost, this is perhaps one of the best beginning Japanese language course anywhere in the universe. But when you take into consideration the location (nothing can be more centrally located), parking (it takes seconds from the parking lot to the class room), amenity (I used to go to the nearby Sam's Club for a $3, 8-carb chicken wrap dinner before going to the class), there is nothing in the world that could come even close.

The textbook used in the class, "Japanese for Busy People, the New Version of the Most Effective Course of Spoken, Everyday Japanese", is also incomparable. Most local bookstores carry this book.

On graduation night, the teacher, Nakamura Sensei, would take the entire class to Yanagi and she will pay for your first drink. She maintains a list of students attending her class (meaning that you can communicate with her even after graduation, in whichever language you feel more comfortable). All these for $30? Give me a break. Wayne

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