Until yesterday, we were planning on installing a computer lab for
Kailua Intermediate.  Little by little, equipment has been staged by
volunteers such as Ben Timmerman and by organizations such as FEMA.
School just began, and the tech coordinator, Scott F., has kindly
requested a delay.  If you were planning on joining us sometime
tomorrow, perhaps you will instead come by McKinley where a K12LTSP
server for either Kailua Intermediate or Halau Lokahi will be prepped.
Information is on our calendar.

It is solid, you can count on it, that we will be installing a 35
station and a 15 station Gnu Linux Edutainment Learning Center at KIS on
September 10, starting at 10 A.M.  If you have not seen what we do, for
free, to help our schools and students benefit from free software, then
please come by.  It would be nice if you emailed me offlist if you
intend to join us.

Kailua Intermediate is a good place to care about.  We have run this
program there


How can you help on this install day?

1. Cabling and Terminating
2. Putting workstations together
3. Tidying up cables
4. Possibly identifying NIC chipsets and making specific boot floppies.
5. Bringing joy, humor, and a smidgen of a work ethic.
6. Helping us to recover from Murphy's Law or something I have overlooked.
7. By Showing up here between 8 and 4



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