Oops, I inadvertently hit the submit key before I finished typing. It appears that the Korea Postal Service Agency will be using the so-called Buyeo Linux developed by KIPA (Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency). I probably posted this before. Last year, KIPA announced that it has budgeted $50 million USD to promote Linux to various government agencies (target 1,000) and schools (target 10,000). Wayne

Korea Post to Adopt Linux

Korea Post, Korea's postal service agency, Wednesday announced it will begin adopting the free, open-source operating system known as Linux to its desktop computers nationwide on Thursday, replacing the Windows operating system produced by U.S. software giant Microsoft Corp.

In the first stage, Korea Post will install the Linux-based operating system on 4,748 desktop computers for customer use in 2,800 branches nationwide, the state-run mail service agency said in a statement.

The move is aimed to join the South Korean government's efforts to promote the use of the Linux system in the public sector, Korea Post said.

The replacement is expected to help Korea Post save 850 million won ($818,550) per year, the agency said.

By the end of the year, Korea Post also said it plans to adopt the Linux software for its Internet banking and payment system to replace Microsoft Windows, which, users say, is more prone to viruses and hackers.



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