A reminder that from 5:45 to 8:30 we'll be having our inaugural Open
Source Pizza tonight at the Marine Sciences Auditorium at The University
of Hawaii.  For directions, go to


and click on Marine Science [E4]

Novell will be our first guests, and Jim Thompson will preview next
month's Open Source Pizza topic.  Please join us if you can.  It will be


Topic for September 20, 2005
5:45 - 8:30

Novell is moving full force into the world of Open Source Software
(OSS).  With partners like IBM, HP, Dell, Oracle, Intel, and many others
Novell is quickly making headway into this new market place.  While
being a standards based company in its own right Novell continues that
effort and assures its customers and partners that it intends to deliver
standards based solutions that interoperate with existing and new

Join us to find out about Novell's internal migration to Linux and to
hear some intriguing case studies.

About the speakers:

Brian Six finished high school with a focus in computers and computer
networking architecture.  After college with a CS in Computer Science he
began working with a software company as a programmer.  During his time
at the software company he moved from programmer/developer to designer.
 After 4.5 yrs Brian left the software design field to begin working at
a systems integrator performing network designs and installations.
During his 4 yrs there he was promoted to senior networking engineer
over LAN and desktop environments.  Since then Brian has worked at
Novell for 9 yrs as a Senior Systems Engineer delivering presentations
and solutions evaluations to customers, partners, and marketing events.

In college John Neilson initially studied to become a computer science
major where he learned Fortran, Pascal and Basic programming.  During
his course of study he recognized his real interest was in business and
how computers could benefit companies.  John graduated with a Bachelor
degree in Business with an emphasis in Sales Management.  For the past
fifteen years John has sold technology as a VAR, Distributor, and
end-users sales representative.  John has been directly or indirectly
involved in selling enterprise solutions which include HP-UX, DEC, AIX,
EMC, Oracle, E-Commerce, LINUX, Resource Management and Identity Driven
solutions.  John has been with Novell for the past 2½ years where he
works with Novell business partners to sell to his 3000 accounts in the
Los Angeles, Orange County and Hawaiian Islands territory.  This
November, John will complete his MBA in Technology Management from the
University of Phoenix.

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