Aloha Folks

I have told you about TPOSSCON, right?

this our Community's chance to rally around the FOSS flag.  We've got an 
impressive lineup, so please register soon.

I want to invite those of you providing any kind of FOSS service or FOSS-based 
products to participate in our Petting Zoo.  You see, I want attendees to 
see, touch, and experience the goodness of Free and Open Source Software.  To 
that end we are setting up an entire room at the convention center with, 
well, whatever we set up.

HOSEF has assets.  5 1U servers of varying speed, two floor mount HP servers, 
Laser Printers, Scanners, switches, Suns, Cisco 2600s and PIXs, and about 30 
PIII workstations.  What would you like to do with them that anyone would 

We all know that most of us work in a small office that would benefit easily 
from the suite of FOSS applications.  With most of America's businesses 
having 20 or fewer employees, there is no needed tool that is not freely 
available.  So far we have set up Kubuntu, edubuntu, and Mepis workstations.  
On Saturday we will make the boot floppies so that we can keep them imaged 
and ready to be handled.

Would you like to be in charge of setting up and exhibiting

A Mail Server?
A Print Queue with CUPS?
Printing TPOSSCON badges with Open Office?
Open Office?
Setting up Mailman or another List?
Netstat, ethtool, snort, guarddog, nmap, ethereal, etc?
Ruby on Rails?

Get the Picture?  There is no charge to you.  HOSEF is our non-profit, and 
TPOSSCON is our chance to show off the vitality of the FOSS community we are 
all working to sustain.  If you have artistic skills, you can help with 
signage or publicity.

Let me know ASAP if you are interested.  We will be working at McKinley the 
next two Saturdays, so you have plenty of time to show your skills.


R. Scott Belford
Founder/Executive Director
The Hawaii Open Source Education Foundation
PO Box 392
Kailua, HI 96734
808.689.6518 phone/fax

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