Hi Jim,

My name is Stan Baptista.  I'm a Native Hawaiian
recently returned home after living in New England for
many years working for a variety of software


> I had hoped to 'name' the project with some (set
> of?) Hawaiian words 
> that describe "freedom".

"kuokoa" is the Hawaiian word for freedom without the
appropriate kahako (dash over vowels) and 'okina
(glottal stop, signaling a halting of breath before a

You can get away with this: "ku'oko'a"

To see the correct spelling go here and type "kuokoa"
in the fill-in field:


This project caught my attention because David Lovell
(cc'd) and myself are beginning a process of
connecting/networking various efforts in the community
that help Native Hawaiians particularly with respect
to technology.

David is a Director at the Research Center of the
University of Hawaii-Hilo (RCUH) and also on the Board
of Directors for Alu Like, a large non-profit that
aids Native Hawaiians

I work in the IT section of the Hawaii Tax Department
most recently focused on examining audit cases related
to Act 221/215.

For the past few months we have been working on
ethical issues in the biotechnology industry in Hawaii
as it relates to Native Hawaiian culture.

Through that work we have come to realize that there
is a larger issue to address, i.e., there are many
groups and individuals working on behalf of Native
Hawaiians in a variety of ways.

We want to start "connecting the dots" to gain synergy
and this email is our first step for this project.

If you decide to move forward with it, we can help you
in your efforts to find an audience.

Let's talk.  Perhaps Linux will become part of the
Hawaiian mo'olelo:-)



Julian: We spoke about Python, Zope/Plone a little
while back when you were still in Australia.  I guess
you made it here.  How's it so far?

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