--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Personally, I have trouble imagining that Google
would want to get 
>> into the Desktop OS business. Ubuntu isn't bad, but
the only way 
>> anyone will profit is if they sell computers in
volume with Linux 
>> pre-installed. 
> Try telling that to RedHat, or any of the other
linux distro vendors. 
>> As the article states, one possibility is a version
of Ubuntu 
>> tweaked for internal use. That would make more
sense. But they 
>> wouldn't go to all the trouble of re-skinning then.

There has been talk about Google OS for a long time. 
It would be extremely profitable for Google.  They
could gather more data about users and provide lots of
additional advertising.  

There were also some recent rumors about a GoogleCube
or some kind of consumer electronic device that
eventually would be able to be expanded into a
computer.  Other rumors were about Google buying
T-Mobile or another cell phone company to build cell
phones that would be able to automatically connect to
the coming wireless "GoogleNet" with VoIP.  Microsoft
is talking about a cell phone that could be attached
to a keyboard and monitor to make a simple computer,
and if that happens then they probably won't be the
only one making them.  I think that a lot of new
things are going to happen soon.  I don't know what
Google will do with "Goobuntu" and OpenOffice but I
think it's going to be big.

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