My previous message was intended to be a private mail, but for some very stupid reason, & I profusely apologize, it was sent to the LUAU list.

The call for LUAU perusers and/or other volunteers to develop a web system as part of ACLU's Juvenile Justice Project is a very worthy one. Very urgent indeed. However, having worked with Hawaii's non-profit orgs for quite some time (& having been a LUAU "member" almost since its inception), I don't know whether we can really find help from our local tech community to design AND operate web pages for them.

Several local web service providers (can't remember their names offhand) have done just that. But the needs greatly exceed the resources that can be provided.

It is of course great if our local tech community can extend direct helps along with a long-term commitment. But my thought was, for the longer run & for a wider reach of beneficiaries, it may be a workable alternative if we can put together a package so those who need a web presence can easily design their own, and maintain it themselves (this was one of the main purposes of the demo that I was talking about). I know there are quite a few such packages available & many will call this silly thought reinventing of an old wheel. But, anyway, my purpose of this message is to retract (& apologize for) my previous post that was inadvertently sent. Mahalo. Wayne

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