Julian Yap wrote:

>HOSEF is proud to present the following public lecture and
>presentation.  Please join us.
>Apologies for the late notice.
>--==[ Open Source Pizza: Asterisk - The Open Source PBX ]==--
>Info: Feb 21 • Tue • 5:45-8:30pm • University of Hawaii Manoa
>Campus: Marine Science Building Auditorium - Room 114 • $7 if
>you want pizza and drink
>Speaker: Clifton Royston
>Topic: "Free and Open-Source UNIX-like Operating Systems: A
>Birds-Eye View"
>The talk will give an overview of the sheer number of FOSS (Free
>and Open Source) operating systems out there, UNIX-like and
>otherwise, and look at some different ways to compare operating
>systems and then focus on my personal comparison of the
>differences and strong points of Linux, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD. 
>It will also include a brief discussion of NetBSD and DragonFly
>LUAU@lists.hosef.org mailing list
I believe that should be March 21, not February 21. I also believe that
the Asterisk topic
was last month, and that Clifton will be speaking about flying with FOSS.


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