HOSEF is proud to present the following public lecture and presentation.
Please join us.

If you are interested in presenting a future Open Source Pizza, please
contact myself via email.  Mahalo.

--==[ Open Source Software in a Decentralized Enterprise Environment ]==--

Info: Apr 18 • Tue • 5:45-8:30pm • University of Hawaii Manoa Campus:
Marine Science Building Auditorium - Room 114 • $7 if you want pizza
and drink

Speaker: Todd Ogasawara

Software, whether proprietary or Open Source, faces many challenges
before being adopted in an Enterprise IT infrastructure. But,
enterprises viewed from afar are like wide-angle geographic images
taken from a satellite. It looks a lot different close-up. Todd
Ogasawara will describe and discuss Open Source use and adoption in a
decentralized IT enterprise environment.

== About the Speaker ==

Todd Ogasawara is the eGovernment Team Leader for the State of Hawaii's
Information and Communication Service Division (ICSD). Previous to this
position he was an Advanced Technology Engineer with GTE/Verizon as well
as (and during the same period) a contracted Online Forum Manager for
the Microsoft Network's (MSN) Computer Telephony Forum and Windows CE
Forum. He was a contributing writer to the books "Digital Photography
Hacks" and "Yahoo! Hacks" published by O'Reilly Media as well as a
designated "Expert Blogger" for the O'Reilly Network Wireless DevCenter
web site.

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