Thanks to those of you who came to my Open Source Pizza presentation at
the University of Hawaii tonight. It was really nice to talk in front a
receptive crowd with great questions afterwards.

The slides are available on my blog in Impress and PDF

~ Julian

On Tue, 2006-09-19 at 10:34 -1000, R. Scott Belford wrote:
> Please join us for this evening's Open Source Pizza.
> TITLE: Leveraging Free Software to create the new LavaNet web site and
> LavaNet 'Ohana Community portal
> How many IT projects do you know take less than 3 months to complete and
> cost $0 in software?  While at LavaNet, Julian Yap has led the creation
> of the community portal, LavaNet 'Ohana, and a rebuild of the main web
> site using Free and Open Source Software.  Julian discusses the top to
> bottom implementation of Free Software and how the ethos of the Free
> Software community were used to complete this project.
> Julian Yap works as a Unix Systems Administrator/Web Specialist for the
> locally owned Internet Service Provider, LavaNet Inc.  He is also a
> member of the Hawaii Open Source Education Foundation (HOSEF) Board of
> Directors and has recently become a Red Hat Certified Technician.  Prior
> to November 2005 he lived in Melbourne, Australia where he has worked
> for the companies Raywood Communications, Sidewinder Holdings (Asia
> Pacific) and IBM Global Services Australia.  He holds a Bachelors of
> Business Information Systems degree from Monash University, Australia.
> Time: 5:45 to 8:30
> Location: Marine Sciences Auditorium, The University of Hawaii
> If you want Pizza, $7, otherwise it is Free
> For directions, go to
> and click on Marine Science [E4]
> For parking please write [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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