On Fri, 24 Nov 2006, Julian Yap wrote:
True.  Are you saying this view is wrong semantically, wrong ethically, or
wrong in some other way?

Semantically, saying people don't need to care is wrong.  It's like
saying, you don't need to vote.  Just replace the word 'care' with
'vote' in your first paragraph.

Ugh, if you change the words in my qoute, aren't you changing what I said? I didn't say "people don't need to vote". Nor do I believe any such idea. I don't understand what you're trying to achieve with this word substitution attempt.

Depends what side you're 'fighting for'.  You could be fighting for big
business in which case the number of people who benefit is a minority

If your point is that; if one person fights for a cause and only one person will benefit from that fight, then my assertion is proven false...Well, you found the flaw in my logic. I've must have been a fool to believe otherwise. Congradulations.


We're speaking to Linux and Unix users here and to say that they don't
need to care or be aware of the issues we are talking about isn't

If your example of "big business" is the supporting argument for this opinion, then I'm still not convinced. You'll have to do a lot better if you want to convince people they _need to care_...

Otherwise, you can disregard any thread in this mailing list that talks
about such issues and continue going with the lowest cost vendor.

Finally, we agree on something...

And just to be sure I'm not being misunderstood. If you look at the LUAU list archives; I've always spoken up when I see someone misrepresenting Free Software and the GPL. That's just the way I am. But I'm not going to expect everyone to behave that way. And I'm not going to judge them (at least not publicly) for choosing to do what they do. Again, that's just the way I am. I guess our philosophy of life is very different.

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