LUAU and HOSEF, like soylent green, are made of people.

On Dec 21, 2006, at 9:40 AM, Robert Green wrote:

It appears to me that this argument is largely a matter of semantics,
but I find it ironic that Jim spends a whole paragraph dissecting the
various meanings of the “free” in “free software” and yet stands by the
sweeping generalization:


Gee, there aren't a lot of C/C++/Java/C#/bash/csh/perl/... programmers on the list. :-(

Two things (places) holding the same value(s).  Hmm.

(Nobody pointed out that its redundant, either.  But I digress.)

While I understand Jim’s idea that they are largely overlapping and
composed of many of the same people, the LUAU == HOSEF is a gross

Wait, where did I say "HOSEF == LUAU"?  Please don't misquote me.

I originally stated, "LUAU is HOSEF. HOSEF is LUAU." That is true, but this was in specific response to Matt's suggestion that HOSEF should provide a box to LUAU.

So please, folks.  Please look at the **context** of what I said, OK?

My opinion is that the LUAU list should remain accessible to all, and
it seems that by making it implicitly identified with HOSEF, it seems
that it is threatening to some people who disagree with HOSEF or its
principal (for whatever reason).

"HOSEF or its principal"?

The rest of my responses in this thread have been a pro-active response to exactly this.

Scott is a part of HOSEF. A big part, yes, but nowhere near the only part, and for most of HOSEF's tenure, not even a major part.

Far too many people make this assumptive mistake, and that, in my view, is the mistake that causes the tension and flames.

Various people don't like Scott, for whatever reason. I don't care. I find Scott to be both likable and right more often than he is wrong.
I like Scott, and I'm trying hard to like most people I meet.

Various people don't like Stallman, either. But he's also right more often than he is wrong.


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