HOSEF is proud to present the following public lecture and presentation.
Please join us.

A reminder that PFOSSCON is next week (http://www.pfosscon.org).

--==[ Moodle - A Free, Open Source Course Management System for Online
Learning ]==--

Info: Jan 16 • Tue • 5:45-8:30pm • University of Hawaii Manoa Campus:
Marine Science Building Auditorium - Room 114 • $7 if you want pizza
and drink

Speaker: Dwayne Abuel, Technology Coordinator, Highlands Middle

A user of Moodle since 2005, and user of Mac, Windows, and some Ubuntu
linux. Dwayne is with the department of education, at Highlands Middle
School as a Technology Coordinator for the passed four years. He has
been with the department for over ten years. This session will provide a
brief background on why Moodle was initiated at Highlands Middle as an
extended classroom tool, brief demonstration of how it works, a short
personal experience by Russell Ogata (Physical Education instructor who
is integrating this technology into his classroom), how this could
benefit your school (easier than writing HTML and JAVA), and some pros
and cons as an administrator/user of Moodle.

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