In case you were not able to attend the event or would like a re-cap,
audio for the conference is now online:

Slides for the Dave Roberts and Barton George presentations should
hopefully reach my Inbox this week.  Scott Belford is working on the

It was really great to have a well attended event with students,
business folk and the general public in attendance.  BYUH did well and
made an excursion of the event.  Thanks to all who attended and helped
to put it on.

I'm looking forward to building upon this event for the future.

I'd be interested in any thoughts or comments from attendees? :P

Here are some pictures as well:

- Julian


Audio recordings voluntarily created and post-produced by Daniel Ho.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to technical glitches, there is a split-second
electronic glitch every few seconds during the Introduction and the
first 5 minutes of Richard Stallman's speech. There is also a small
stretch of about 5 minutes in Stallman's speech where a recording made
by Ron Fox was stitched in. Stallman's speech from the 9 minutes 32
seconds point onward is perfect, as are the rest of the recordings.

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