HOSEF is proud to present the following public lecture and presentation.
Please join us.

--==[ eHawaii.gov - Managing an Enterprise Network with Open Source
Software ]==--

Info: Mar 20 • Tue • 5:45-8:30pm • University of Hawaii Manoa Campus:
Marine Science Building Auditorium - Room 114 • $7 if you want pizza
and drink

Speaker: Aaron Collins, Systems Administrator, eHawaii.gov

Open Source software has become an important part of the State of
Hawaii’s network. Hawaii Information Consortium the company responsible
for managing the State of Hawaii’s portal eHawaii.gov knows how powerful
Open Source is. They use Open Source software to manage their enterprise
network. Aaron Collins will discuss not only how they manage such a
large network with Free Software and open tools, but how to keep it
secure and as highly available as possible. 

About the speaker 

Aaron Collins is a 24 year old Systems Administrator with over eight
years of experience in the IT industry. Starting in tech support at a
local ISP in Arizona where he grew up, he quickly worked is way up to
being a Junior Admin in less than a year and was managing an ISP by age
18. From there he went on to do security for credit unions utilizing his
security skills he learned from his days hacking with underground
hacking legends such as UPT, CDC and L0PHT. After going to school at the
University of Hawaii at Manoa he took a position managing and securing
the State of Hawaii’s web site eHawaii.gov.

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