hi vince, this is what I get when I do a netstat -an | grep 25
  tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN
tcp        0      0 ::1:25                  :::*                    LISTEN
   very strange.....  port 25 is fine......   
  when I do this   nothing happens...
  lsof -ni TCP:25

Vince Hoang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  On 11/9/07, goku ball z wrote:
> yes I tried everthing....
> telnet domain.com 25
> telnet host.domain.com 25
> telnet mail.domain.com 25
> the only thing that works is telnet localhost 25
> =(

My best guess is the default install has postfix only listening on
localhost. Check the inet_interfaces option in main.cf. A `netstat -an
| grep :25` or `lsof -ni TCP:25` will tell you if postfix is actually
binding to more than localhost on tcp/25.

> Quoting goku ball z :
> > sorry Jon, for security reason, I changed the ip address and the domain....

The problem with you masking your IP and domain name for security
reasons creates problems for those trying to help you. If your DNS is
wrong we cannot explicitly tell you what is wrong.

Here is a very good Postfix book:
and a good DNS book:
and a good Linux book:

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