Check out testdisk.
I've used it quite a bit in the pass and it works wonders. :)


> You know how they say to unmount your usb drive before ejecting it?  I
> think I see why.  My wife has one of those hard drives built into a
> flash form factor.  Its flaky USB enclosure fell apart, and during her
> last use the partition table became corrupt.  I imagine that the data is
> still there.
> Has anyone encountered this and succeeded in recovering data?  It seems
> that dd is the tool for dumping the data, and that something along the
> lines of dd if=/dev/sdb of=/home/scott/baddisk.img
> But I am currently fiddling with gpart:
> Description: Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions
>  Gpart is a tool which tries to guess the primary partition table of a
>  PC-type disk in case the primary partition table in sector 0 is
>  damaged, incorrect or deleted.
>  .
>  It is also good at finding and listing the types, locations, and
>  sizes of inadvertently-deleted partitions, both primary and logical.
>  It gives you the information you need to manually re-create them
>  (using fdisk, cfdisk, sfdisk, etc.).
>  .
>  The guessed table can also be written to a file or (if you firmly
>  believe the guessed table is entirely correct) directly to a disk
>  device.
> --scott
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