Hello.  My name is Scott.  I have never seen my name so many times in a
generally negative light as I have these last few days on the LUAU mailing
list.  This is life, and people have voices.  So be it.  It is easier to
destroy than to build.  Such is entropy.

My hero is Don Shula.  When confronted with these situations, he simply
stated that he would not dignify such comments by responding to them.  It is
hard when one is being slandered and libeled, but, so be it.

I live by the words - if you have nothing to be defensive of, why be
defensive.  It seems to work.  Many of the issues being dragged onto the
LUAU mailing list are being patiently, persistently, and positively dealt
with on a mailing list called HOSEF-managers at lists.hosef.org


It is in my last three postings and another upcoming that I am doing my best
to put the kind of face to this that would make my parents proud.

The irony is this - I tried to get someone else to host LUAU, the mailing
list through which we are now conversing.  This mailing list is now hosted
on an account that I pay for through a domain that I pay for.  I
deliberately do not have any control or moderation over LUAU.  I even made
sure that all the messages got ported over, even the nasty ones about me.  I
am paying for you to say whatever you want to say about me.  I don't know
where I went so wrong that people try to destroy, rather than build upon,
whatever good I and others have accomplished, but at least I am still
providing you a platform to do it.

The original server that was hosting this list was built and donated by me.
The creation of HOSEF gave me and the other contributors over the years a
chance to take a tax deduction for these donations.  This server is still in
the racks at UH awaiting help and support upgrading it.  It is yours, I have
no control over it, and it, like LUAU, can be used to say whatever people
want to say.  We have really done some good with HOSEF, but in this bullying
atmosphere I fear that only the detractors are finding a safe haven for
their voices.

LUAU@lists.hosef.org mailing list

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