On Mar 27, 2008, at 8:47 PM, Angela Kahealani wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-03-27 16:13:40 Jim Thompson wrote:
>> On Mar 27, 2008, at 12:57 PM, Dave Burns wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 3:18 AM, Jim Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> The Kuokoa project got mentioned. I don't see that as competing
>>> with e-waste much. If we had volunteers with the required skills
>>> and motivation, it should have made more progress. Perhaps Jim is
>>> going to take the lead and change that. It might be possible to get
>>> a grant from the state or Bishop estate or some such and actually
>>> pay people to work on it. There might be a professor at UH to team
>>> up with. There is plenty of potential.
>> What I'd like to do is get a grant (I'm thinking Campbell Estate, but
>> I'm open to other options, Bishop being the most likely) to basically
>> create
>> the training classes to effect Kamehameha Schools (and/or the
>> charter/ immersion schools) to effect a Hawaiian distribution of
>> Ubuntu.
> Most *NIX software is keyed to Locale, and it seems that locale is  
> keyed
> to ISO country/language codes, so it seems to me that the first step  
> is
> to get an ISO code for O'lelo Hawai'i, but maybe I'm behind the times
> and this has already hapened?

The ISO 639-2/639-3 code for Hawaiian is "haw".

>> My concern with additional school labs is that we're butting heads
>> with DOE and many (not all, but many) tech coordinators,
>> who all want the "shinny new stuff" (and there are hard-science
>> reasons for it beyond its attractive shinny surface).
> e.g. greeness of power consumption?

Thats one.  Core 2 (and recent AMD CPUs) support 64-bit computing,  
while P4s do not.

Likely that the newer machines are also (mostly, if not 100%) lead-free.

>> We're literally attempting to introduce last-gen computers running a
>> decidedly foreign software stack into a program that promotes the use
>> of PowerPoint by students beginning in First Grade, thereby crushing
>> any vestige of non-linear thought process and helping educating a new
>> generation of middle managers who will toe the line and conform.
> Xerox is not a verb. Photocopy is a verb.
> Presentation Software is a category, PowerPoint is a specific
> implementation, so it's time to get right with the language,
> as perception starts with language.

I choose my words carefully.

>>> Is Scott in or out?
>> At this point, its his decision.   I hope he's "in".
> In or out of what? 64studio? HOSEF? FLOSS?

I answered the query in reference to HOSEF.


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