R. Scott Belford wrote:

There are 3 (among others) ways you can adjust your network settings.
You can manually edit your /etc/network/interfaces file, you can use
system/administration/network, or you can click the
network-manager-applet in the top right part of your screen.

It sounds like you have a Wired and a Wireless lan that you want to
bring up.  I would suggest using the system/administration/network
tool for this.

Wicd, as mentioned by Jason, will likely and eventually replace the
current tools.


On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 5:45 PM, Al Plant<n...@hdk5.net> wrote:
Aloha Gurus,

I run FreeBSD servers and desktops and now I have an HP Mini 1000 netbook
with Ubuntu OS.
I have setup the /etc/network/interfaces :

The manual connection works OK for my ATM circuit wired network, now I want
to set a second network config for my LAN wireless.
Any body on Luau had experience with a wired network link. I want to set it
up manually so I dont lose the wired settings for when I am on the ATM
circuit. Using the helper apps on the Netbook is not an option as it doesnt
seem to play nice with more than one config.
I am trying to set up the wireless so I can use either it or the wired link,
obviously not both. With out losing either configuration.

Also I want to know if it can be setup to work in a Starbucks configuration
with DHCP again with out losing the existing configs.

Note: Using the autoconfig helper destroys everything existing if you use
it. I am used to command like setups for networks not the GUI point and

Any help appreciated.


~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
 + http://hawaiidakine.com + http://freebsdinfo.org +
 + http://aloha50.net   - Supporting - FreeBSD 6.* - 7.* - 8.* +
 < email: n...@hdk5.net >
"All that's really worth doing is what we do for others."- Lewis Carrol

LUAU@lists.freesoftwarehawaii.org mailing list

Aloha Scott,

Mahalo for pointing me in the right direction.
I was able to lock the network admin settings into manual mode and that worked. I was able to put both wlan and eth0 into the network/interfaces file and can usr the ifup and ifdown to use either. I also made backup files of the settings in the directory too.

You have any thoughts on how I can get a cafe link to not override every thing if I wanted to use the netbook at a Starbucks or other place with wifi? I'm afraid that the auto config over writes the networks file if you use it.

~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
  + http://hawaiidakine.com + http://freebsdinfo.org +
  + http://aloha50.net   - Supporting - FreeBSD 6.* - 7.* - 8.* +
  < email: n...@hdk5.net >
"All that's really worth doing is what we do for others."- Lewis Carrol

LUAU@lists.freesoftwarehawaii.org mailing list

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