On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Antonio Querubin <t...@lava.net> wrote:

> On Wed, 28 Apr 2010, R. Scott Belford wrote:
>  eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:76:f1:ed:c8
>>         inet addr:  Bcast:
>> Mask:
>>         inet6 addr: 2607:f278:4101:12:204:76ff:fef1:edc8/64 Scope:Global
>>         inet6 addr: fe80::204:76ff:fef1:edc8/64 Scope:Link
>> Now, the question is, what address should be used for DNS? I recall
>> learning
>> last year that I should use the Global address. When I ping and
>> traceroute,
>> I get the shorter addresses. I
>> 2002:80ab:6888:
>> 2002:80ab:6888::1
>> 2607:f278:4101:12:204:76ff:fef1:edc8
>> fe80::204:76ff:fef1:edc8
>> The DNS record and ifconfig results of
>> 2607:f278:4101:12:204:76ff:fef1:edc8
>> are the same.
> For some reason your system has 6to4 addresses configured at the same time
> it has native IPv6.  Did you specifically enable 6to4 or any other manual
> IPv6 configuration or tunnel?  If you did, you should undo all that. Then
> restart network services and make sure only the global and link-local
> addresses show up.

6to4 is enabled by default via the stock Debian Lenny install. I see from
documentation that there are ways to summon it via /etc/network/interfaces,
but I have not created any tunnels. As you see from my ifconfig, the global
and link-address both show up. It's only when running ipv6calc and other
tools that I get the shorter number.


points me to how to deal with this. However, it still appears to be pebcak,
and it may be as simple as not defining the IPv6 address in
/etc/network/interfaces as I am now reading. Now to determine the gateway,
and we should be good to go. Without this definition, a 6to4 conversion is

> Antonio Querubin
> 808-545-5282 x3003
> e-mail/xmpp:  t...@lava.net
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