Halo, Federico.

Thanks for your reply.

Actually, I was a little bit scared to reply your message because
Lubuntu community will read my reply too. :)
I have removed Lubuntu and use Xubuntu now. Unfortunately, I had
removed Lubuntu before I had a chance to read the 2 recent messages
from Julien Lavergne.

So, I am sorry that I can not try the procedure you suggested.


On 11/18/13, Federico Leoni <effe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2013/11/18 Qua Purna <quapu...@gmail.com>:
>> Halo, Xubuntu and Lubuntu Users.
>> Xubuntu 13.10, Lubuntu 13.10
>> I can not tell how many times this has happened and how many times I
>> have reported this via the build-in report that appears when the crash
>> happens.
>> This issue appears on Xubuntu and Lubuntu. I notice this at least for
>> 13.10, 13.04, 12.10 of both of them.
>> I use mobile broadband (cdma) for net connection.
>> On Lubuntu panel, I have the "nm-applet".
>> If "nm-applet" has been crashed, the internet connection is still on.
>> I still can use Firefox (I am writing this email while nm-applet has
>> been crashed) and "network-monitor" applet still works properly
>> displaying the in/out data of ppp0 connection.
>> To make the nm-applet appear again, I have to manually run it.
>> Has another user experienced this issue, too ?
>> Is there anything I can do to solve this ?
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> Lubuntu-users mailing list
>> Lubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com
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> Hi there,
> we need some more information to help out.
> What is your configuration?
> Could you gently paste the output of the crash report?
> Did you look if there are errors on dmesg?
> dmesg | grep nm-applet
> Have you tried to launch nm-applet manually and record the output to
> see what happen?
> You can try to track down the error via terminal:
> killall nm-applet (if not crashed yet)
> script nm-applet.log
> nm-applet &
> leave the terminal window open and when (if) the applet crash type
> exit
> now you will find a nm-applet.log on your home. Don't use a command like
> nm-applet | tee nm-applet.log
> because it will not record the output.
> Did you look if there is something on session log (I doubt)?
> leafpad ~/.xsession-errors
> Let us know.
> F.

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