2014-01-06 03:49, Andre Rodovalho skrev:
> I would like to know how can I create a DVD media with OBI and several
> Ubuntu flavors or  other distros...
> The reason for that is, sometimes it is much easier to get a DVD drive
> than fighting to boot USB drives on old hardware... With such media, I
> could have about 4 distros, properly I could burn amd64 and i386
> versions of Lubuntu, and have many other options to install
> I thought I could use the compressed dd image to get a iso file, and
> maybe with on this iso add some tarballs to /tarballs directory. But I
> never did something like this on Linux. Maybe there is a easier way to
> get this done too...
> Another thing, I would like to suggest an change on mkusb script. I
> recently had to use on  the partimage linux. There is no "sudo" there,
> so I could not properly use this script to make a installation media.
> Root user is always available on this distro, and also, there is some
> distros that have no sudo binary...
> So, to get some more generic script, maybe the right thing to do is to
> remove all sudo from code, and run the script as root user. In a debian
> like distro "sudo ./mkusb".
> I'm hearing you thoughts...

Hi Andre,

1. Multiboot

I see your point, but I think it will not be easy for me to make it.

There are several multi-boot systems for USB drives that are easy to
create, but the ones that I know of for DVDs need remastering to be
created. Maybe somebody in the Lubuntu community knows how to do it and
would be prepared to make such a DVD image.

Can *you* how are reading this now do it?

2. One Button Installer on CD/DVD

I agree with Brendan, that Plop is a good alternative.

2014-01-06 04:35, brendanperr...@gmail.com skrev:> plop is really good
at getting things to boot off old hardware is plop
> boot manager.
> http://www.plop.at/
> It is really easy for me to use at least.

2.1 I use a Plop CD to start some drivers that can boot a USB pendrive
in my oldest computer, a Compaq Presario 5640 with a 400 MHz Pentium II
CPU and 192 MB RAM. That way I can use the One Button Installer and
install an operating system from a tarball.

2.2 A second alternative would be to make the OBI work from a CD/DVD. A
couple of alternatives might work:

A read/write CD/DVD system is possible but not very standardized, and
I'm afraid it might work only in a few CD/DVD hardware equipments.

Making an OBI iso file by remastering an iso system:

It would be more likely that a remastered iso system would work in most
computers with a CD/DVD drive (to make an iso file live system with the
OBI scripts included). I have never remastered a system, and need help
to learn how to do it or ask someone else to do the remastering, but if
many people want it, I think we should do it.

3. mkusb without sudo

Your question about mkusb should be easier to solve. I just tried to use
it without using sudo directly in the command line (but running as root
via sudo -s).

The current version works like that for me. But I found that there are a
few calls with sudo, that should be removed from the script (two calls
of parted and one of fdisk), the others are only text strings in echo
grep 'sudo ' ~/bin/mkusb
for i in /dev/[^f]d?; do sudo parted -ls|grep -B1 "$i"|tr '\n' '\t';echo
   tj="$(sudo parted -ls|grep -B1 "$j"|tr '\n' ' '|sed s/Model:\ //;echo
     tj=$(sudo fdisk -lu "$j" 2>/dev/null|grep "$j":|sed s/\,\ .*//)
  echo "sudo $0 file.iso"
  echo "sudo $0 file.img.gz"
  echo "sudo $0 file.img.xz"
  echo "sudo $0 wipe-all"
  echo "sudo $0 wipe-1"
  echo "sudo $0 $1"
  echo "sudo lshw -class disk #####" > "$hlptxt"
  echo "sudo fdisk -lu 2>/dev/null|grep "/dev/[^f]d"|sort #####" >>

Can you try it after removing those sudos yourself, or do you want me to
upload a release candidate to test?

If that does not work, there might be something else, that is used by
the bash script in an Ubuntu based system, that is not available in the
other system (in partimage linux). In that case, do you get an error
message or warning?

Best regards

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