For email use sylpheed or better mutt. I use mutt and love it. Try midori for 
web browsing. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 24, 2016, at 4:06 PM, Fritz Hudnut <> wrote:
> HH:
> Yep, I would be happy with those specs . . . mine is 933 MHz with 646 MB RAM 
> . . . Lu "runs" fine, everything works, but for anything needing cpu 
> "thought" like update/upgrade, or even typing an email in the browser, the 
> fan runs loudly such that it is "disruptive" to my thought patterns . . . .  
> This is "new" behavior, since 12.04 which ran very well and more or less 
> quietly; but 16.04 runs better than 14.04 did, etc.
> RAM is "maxed" on the iBook . . . no worries, on PPC I've got my PM ST with 
> an aftermarket cpu set for 1.2 GHz and maxed at 2 GB RAM . . . but I've got 
> U-MATE PPC installed on that one with the extra "juice" . . . .  I'm thinking 
> that 2 GB is the "real" "minimum" for doing stuff on the web . . . .  I have 
> tested the live LU session on the PM and reported that it "ran well" here on 
> the list, and perhaps on the forum, etc.
> F
>> On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 2:09 PM, Herminio Hernandez Jr. 
>> <> wrote:
>> Fritz,
>> What are the specs of your iBook? Mine is a 1.42Ghz w/ 1.5 GB of Ram and Lu 
>> runs fine. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jul 24, 2016, at 1:44 PM, Fritz Hudnut <> wrote:
>>> Nio:
>>> Thanks to you and phil for making that available and posting those links.  
>>> Yes, playing around with it yesterday on my iBook Lu 16.04 is working well, 
>>> nice visuals in the toolbar for the launched apps, nice "openbox-like" 
>>> background image, i.e., "black" . . . .  I would try to use it more, but I 
>>> believe the hardware is just not up to the present demand from web sites, 
>>> and the fan is blowing constantly . . . 646 MB of RAM just isn't enough to 
>>> be worth messing with.  It could be that there are G5's that have fast 
>>> cpu's and greater capacity for RAM . . . still able to trade punches with 
>>> the interweb . . . and Lu for PPC would be perfectly worthy of the time 
>>> spent setting it up.
>>> F
>>>> On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 1:36 PM, Nio Wiklund <> wrote:
>>>> new thread, previously Re: [lubuntu-devel] State of PPC
>>>> ---
>>>> Hi Lubuntu PPC users and testers,
>>>> You find a version that is almost the same as a released Lubuntu 16.04.1 
>>>> LTS version for PowerPC at
>>>> ---
>>>>       124 24 jul 21.28 md5sum.txt
>>>> 771637248 24 jul 16.47 xenial-alternate-powerpc.iso
>>>>   1507332 24 jul 21.29 xenial-alternate-powerpc.iso.zsync
>>>> 941045760 24 jul 17.23 xenial-desktop-powerpc.iso
>>>>   1838208 24 jul 21.29 xenial-desktop-powerpc.iso.zsync
>>>> ---
>>>> You can download the iso files as usual or via zsync with
>>>> zsync 
>>>> and
>>>> zsync 
>>>> zsync is checking the md5sum as part of the process, so it is very 
>>>> reliable, and it is particularly good, if you intend to check daily iso 
>>>> files regularly, because you need only download the difference from the 
>>>> previous (daily) iso file.
>>>> -o-
>>>> These files can be tested, but you can also install them like they were 
>>>> the real released 16.04.1 LTS version for PowerPC. Not much has happened 
>>>> during the few days after the release. I think nothing at all happened 
>>>> during the first two days, so these iso files should be very similar. 
>>>> Probably some minor bug is squashed, and I think and hope that no major 
>>>> bug has emerged during these days.
>>>> So happy testing and usage :-)
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Nio
>>>>> Den 2016-07-24 kl. 18:15, skrev Fritz Hudnut:
>>>>> On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 7:36 PM, Simon Quigley <
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>     I just make sure that
>>>>>     they know we're listening and understand. In fact, could you link me 
>>>>> to
>>>>>     some of these forums? Maybe I should link the release announcements
>>>>>     there and respond to responses on that. I could also look at some
>>>>>     threads and instruct people on filing bugs and reporting issues that a
>>>>>     bunch of people are having in a way we can see it.
>>>>> @Simon:
>>>>> Thanks for your reply.  Link to Ubuntu's Apple Hardware User sub-forum,
>>>>> wherein all topics related to PPC would be posted or funneled by the
>>>>> list mods:
>>>>> <>
>>>>> BTW I do and have filed bug reports, to varying degrees of response from
>>>>> devs . . . and have reported my test results on the QA; I was a member
>>>>> of the QA group until I was dropped awhile back . . . .  I do read or
>>>>> scan most posts on the Lu list serve and recall little or few mentions
>>>>> of "PPC" related topics or requests for testing for release, until this
>>>>> recent round.
>>>>> But, indeed, it would be "nice" if you or some of the devs tasked with
>>>>> PPC would blow through that forum and respond to various posts, possibly
>>>>> that would or could get the people who are trying to get various ubuntu
>>>>> flavros to run on their PPC machines enthused about testing . . . ???
>>>>> Personally I don't look to Twitter for reliable data  . . . .  As far as
>>>>> my post yesterday requesting for testers, "152 views" with "0 replies" .
>>>>> . . .  "luigiburdo" is someone who is actively trying to get linux
>>>>> running on his various PPC computers, has filed bug reports and so forth
>>>>> and yet seems to have his issues unaddressed; based upon his posts on
>>>>> the apple user forum . . . people are trying, but don't seem to be
>>>>> connecting to the people who actually do stuff . . . .  Thanks for
>>>>> listening.
>>>>> BW,
>>>>> F
>>> -- 
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