On 12/06/2016 09:47 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Dec 2016 08:05:31 -0700, Mark F wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 5:05 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>>> In short, Jane Doe wants Google [...] *doesn't care* if some
>>> software she installed phones home or not.  
>> Does she even know?
> She doesn't, or at best she heard about it on television and ignores
> it, or follows idiotic hints given by "experts" on television.
>> I think this is an education challenge.
> Yes, we needed to learn how to use forks and knives, to drive a car and
> things like this and much more important, we needed to learn not to
> trust the stranger who gives away candies at the children's playground.
> People don't understand how important it is to learn how to use a
> multi-tool and that strangers who give away candies in the Internet
> could be the same people who give away candies at the children's
> playground. Thinking barriers! We are living in an age were people visit
> a weekend healer class and after that they guess they know more about
> "true" healing, than somebody who studied medicine at an university.
>> I still wish there were post-install configurations to choose from.
>> I've never understood the all-or-nothing approach to these matters.
> I installed Ubuntu from the sever image and disabled all package
> bundles, let alone that my Arch Linux by default is an install without
> everything and that Arch's policy is the opposite of Ubuntu's policy in
> regards to auto-starts. Ubuntu auto-starts everything that could be
> auto-started by default, even when installing from the server image
> without even installing X. However, there is already choice, more or
> less all distros provide some kind of expert install. Either be an
> expert/power user or an averaged user, everything in between is risky.
> You can not simply chose to install the "more privacy" meta-package, you
> need to maintain "more privacy" with knowledge. You need to become
> self-responsible, learning and maintenance of the install never stops.
> In regards to security it's the same. First of all, after downloading
> the Ubuntu or Ubuntu flavour image, the user needs to check the ISO
> against the PGP signed checksums. When Ubuntu is installed, it's not
> only important to upgrade, a user also needs to audit
> https://www.ubuntu.com/usn/ , resp.
> http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/ at least once a day
> and the user needs to have the skills to understand what to do or not
> to do.
> Regards,
> Ralf
As a former BBS'er we should all realize the internet is intrinsically
without privacy.  When you connect to the 'Internet' you are hooking
your computer to someone else's computer through an internet service
provider that handles the transfer of every single packet your computer
throws into the web (which is a bunch of other people's computers that
are interconnected like a web).  Sure, ixquick and ddg are better for
privacy, but only privacy towards Google.  Your ISP can have everything
you do if they want.
There are plenty of privacy focused distros, like Qubes, or Tails,
etc...  Even using Puppy (or Lubuntu) on a USB on a public computer is
pretty secure.

Now, I personally do not like Google for many reasons, and always change
it to either ixquick(startpage) or ddg, I like duckduckgo because of the
terminal like search interface using the !, and I like that it does not
'Bubble' me like Google which tries to figure me out and will give me
completely wrong answers rather than simply searching for what I ask
because Googoo thinks it knows me better than I know what I am looking for.

Should Lubuntu change the Ubuntu default setup?  It would be very hard,
every time Ubuntu updates Firefox, Lubuntu would have to update their
lubuntu-startpage-that-is-not-google package in the repositories, which
is unreasonable to ask.
Qupzilla uses duckduckgo by default IIRC and *SHOULD* IMHO be the best
choice for LXQt Lubuntu.

In my country people use the word 'google' to mean search the internet,
so the average user would not know how to google something if google
doesn't exist.  Most people do not know how to change the default search
program in their browser.

I think the most reasonable option is to build up the popularity of
alternative search engines until people don't like Google just like
excite, hotbot or any of the other search engines we used before google
changed searching altogether.


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