On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 12:16:55PM +0100, Mario Behling wrote:
> Rafael & Co, why you are moving content to a closed site instead of keeping it
> up to date on the wiki?

Because we couldn't count on you to keep lubuntu.net updated and despite
multiple requests, you would not:

 * give anyone on the Lubuntu team access
 * provide a redirect to lubuntu.me
 * transfer the ownership of the domains to Canonical

Also, a point here: when I say "Lubuntu team," I mean the people doing
the work, not the co-founder that hasn't done a darn thing for Lubuntu
since, yet insists on making the canonical (lowercase c) website his and
his alone.

> lubuntu.net always directed people to community
> resources

This is entirely untrue. It does in some places, but for a long time,
just didn't. The "GetLubuntu" wiki page was a ugly band-aid to try to
allow us to at least be able to have some degree of control over the
information users were getting from the website.

> Community resources are
> neglected

You're more than welcome to create your own Lubuntu community resource,
if you want. Of course, you'd need permission from Canonical to use
their trademark. And besides, why not work with the community that
already exists? Wouldn't you want users to have access to more
information rather than dilluting it across multiple resources?

> and a small closed group controls central resources

Everyone is open to being a member of the Lubuntu team. Everyone. You
just have to be willing to work with us. See the Ubuntu Code of Conduct
for how that works.

> * The distribution has become unstable for a lot of people (check out social
> media!) - we need a developers, that also contribute to upstream projects and
> develop new ideas. 

Great idea! All this infrastructure exists in Lubuntu (read: Ubuntu)
already. So, please, come join the Lubuntu team! And file bugs, too,
while you're at it.

> * The bloated wiki with lots of broken images needs to be cleaned up or a new
> community resource needs to come up. (I will provide my take on this later.)

This is, to some degree, an ongoing problem within Ubuntu. I won't deny
it. But we do what we can to keep up the wiki. Again, there's a Lubuntu
Wiki and Docs team that you're more than welcome to join.

> * Lots of groups that had been founded to simply show off "I am in a group" 
> and
> get people an ubuntu.com email addresses are inactive and the groups are often
> irrelevant. They should be dissolved.

I'm not sure what you're referring to but you don't get an ubuntu.com
email by becoming part of a group. It's from performing significant and
sustained contributions to the Ubuntu community. Groups (I'm assuming we
mean Launchpad) exist only for the purposes of organizing members
together. No Ubuntu Membership (that's how you get an ubuntu.com email)
is required to join any of these groups.

> * Outdated documentation, which has become unusable needs to be cleaned up

See Lubuntu Wiki and Docs team above.

> * Documentation which is just directing to Ubuntu and irrelevant for lubuntu
> needs to be changed

For some things, it's perfectly reasonable, but again, I mention:
Lubuntu Wiki and Docs team.

> * Links that are redirecting to closed sites should be taken out and content
> should be on the wiki itself

Exactly! So let's get rid of any links to closed sites like

> ... Still cannot believe that legal threats are used like that in the Free
> Software community.

This has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard from you.
The Free Software community is entirely focused on properly licensing.
It's not a minor undercurrent. It's a Big Thing™. I encourage you to
search it. Look up the Open Source Initiative, Debian Free Software
Guidelines, Creative Commons, etc. etc. etc. These things exist to protect 
people, most notably the user (but also the creators).

But there's the issue: lubuntu.net has always been out of lockstep with the
current reality and, as such, does not care about the user. You, as
owner of lubuntu.net, who has refused all entreaties to try to resolve
this issue, clearly doesn't care about the user, either. You can spin
things how you want in your messages, but this is the reality of your
actions, and they are most sad of all.

Lubuntu is a distro built using what is the core of Ubuntu. It is built
on Ubuntu (Canonical) infrastructure. It is Ubuntu. You should have
known this when you originally created Lubuntu. 

If you don't like it all of a sudden, that's weird, but that's ok. It's all 
free software. Make your own distro. But just don't use the Lubuntu name 
without permission from Canonical, who owns the trademark. Linux Mint, 
which is essentially Ubuntu with a little extra stuff, is not called 
Ubuntu Mint or Mintbuntu, is it now?

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