@Mark F:

Sounds like fun, I'm in U-MATE 18.04+ LTS as I'm typing this, the bottom
panel has "auto-hide" . . . but didn't seem to offer "smart hide" . . . it
just was "hiding" until I moused over it . . . .  "Smart-hide" does sound,
smart . . . .


You reminded me of something I saw in Peppermint (I think, it's all a blur
now. If I find it was MATE, I'll post a correction): the panel/task-bar
(whatever it's called on the bottom of the screen) has an option for "smart
hide." It will remain in view until a window covers it. Then it behaves
like auto-hide. I thought someone should win the Nobel for thinking of
that! It's lie the best of both worlds.

On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 2:35 PM Fritz Hudnut <este.el....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Gents, et al:
> Seems like a flurry of activity on the list lately . . . as it seems like
> more folks are now "playing with Disco" . . . .  As I spend more time with
> it, it is providing a nice GUI experience overall . . . as mentioned
> previously having the "suspend" button on the log in window would be value
> added.
> Also, I recently installed Siduction into another partition, based on
> Debian Sid, and it is the first time in awhile that a Debian system
> installed and ran well on my Mac computers . . . it also does have some
> "issues" . . . but, one feature that seems "nice" is that the right-click
> menu from the desktop provides a large list of items to choose from, rather
> than having to click on the menu launcher . . . including the "leave"
> function, which then clicking on, shows "suspend" and/or "shut down" . . .
> etc . . . very handy . . . very "powerful."
> In comparison, when I right-clicked on the desktop in Disco Lu 19+ . . .
> it is a short list of functions . . . possibly relating to "OpenBox" . . .
> which I have thought was another DE option that used to go along with
> "LXDE" back in the day . . . at the bottom of the list was "exit"  . . .
> hmmm, what could that do?  Clicking "exit" . . . seemed to do nothing,
> except now the FF window no longer had the what??  window toolbar with the
> options to minimize or close or drag the window around . . . and the window
> was now covering the main control panel at the top of the display . . .
> took a few minutes to get to the menu launcher to log out . . .  Logging
> back in and the Openbox toolbar on the FF window was back in place.
> The moral of this story is . . . if there were more features to play with
> on right-clicking on desktop in Lu . . . I would not have been tempted to
> click "exit" while in Lubuntu DE . . . and all of the window toolbar
> problems could have been avoided . . . .
> TIA,
> F
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