> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2019 13:27:22 -0700
> From: Walter Lapchynski <w...@ubuntu.com>
> To: lubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: [lubuntu-users] new software needs testing
> Message-ID: <20190818202721.GD11217@zzt>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> For 19.10, there's two pieces of software that we're considering getting
> in:
>  1. sddm-config-editor, a GUI for the display manager configuration
>  2. a more updated, featureful fork of our compositor, compton
> We've put together some versions to test and could really use your help
> and as soon as possible because 19.10 is set to be released relatively
> soon! To be clear, these should be tested in a 19.10 environment. It's
> ok if you run it in the live environment, so you don't have to overwrite
> your existing install. You can find images to download [here][0].
> [0]: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/current/
> [1]: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T20
> [2]: https://share.riseup.net/#a0LeSAKG-cODXFDjjSTGww
> [3]: https://github.com/lxqt/compton-conf/issues/18
> [4]: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T96
> --
> Hello Walter and the Lu list:

I'm speaking to you from within a "persistent live" usb 19.10 session,
which I set up using your linked daily, to more or less mimic my "bare
metal" Lu 19.10 install . . . because generally what you are asking is just
a bit beyond my knowledge/skills and although my Lu install is
"developmental" I still didn't want to botch it up playing with stuff that
I didn't understand, whereas in the p-live flashdrive I could . . . .

So I easily downloaded the "sddm-config-editor" . . . but I would need more
exact commands to work with because the terminal isn't responding to my
various attempts to reproduce your commands, clearly the "chmod +x" is not
working.  Like Ian, the file is in /home/lubuntu/Downloads . . . but trying
to add that in front of "sddm-x-x" isn't working . . . and neither is
adding the "./sddm-x-x" after it . . . so for now that testing is on hold.
Do I need to "extract" that file, and if I do that then what?  Or can I do
what Ian did and just "boot" it up from with the Downloads file????  I
would need more specific commands to get that part tested.

Moved on to add your ppa and update the system and it installed a few other
packages along with "compton" showing in the command line "setting up
compton (7.3-0buntu1-ppa5)" . . . I then added the Nvidia 430 driver via
the Additional Drivers and rebooted the system, because I'm driving an
aftermarket Nvidia card in my Mac Pro '12 unit.  Whereas before the newer
compton when I clicked on Accesories >> compton the browser window would
briefly "flash" . . . but after the new compton was installed there was
more of a delay and then possibly no flash.  I went into Prefs >> Window
effects and I changed a couple of buttons and hit "apply" . . . and as I
think you suggested . . . nothing happened??  So I opened the terminal and
ran your suggested "killall" . . . and I got the responses below??  the
"Fatal error" part is what got my attention, saying "another composite
manager is already running"

Testing has concluded for the time being . . . but, generally, if this is
the "testing" compton the windows seem to be working fine, no crashes, no

lubuntu@lubuntu:~$ killall compton && compton
[ 08/19/19 13:46:19.508 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] Option
`no-dock-shadow` is deprecated, and will be removed. Please use the wintype
option `shadow` of `dock` instead.
[ 08/19/19 13:46:19.508 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] Option
`no-dnd-shadow` is deprecated, and will be removed. Please use the wintype
option `shadow` of `dnd` instead.
[ 08/19/19 13:46:19.508 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] Option `menu-opacity`
is deprecated, and will be removed.Please use the wintype option `opacity`
of `popup_menu` and `dropdown_menu` instead.
[ 08/19/19 13:46:19.508 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] vsync option will
take a boolean from now on. "none" is interpreted as "false" for
compatibility, but this will stop working soon
[ 08/19/19 13:46:19.508 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] glx-swap-method has
been deprecated since v6, your setting "undefined" should be removed.
[ 08/19/19 13:46:19.508 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] "clear-shadow" is
removed as an option, and is always enabled now. Consider removing it from
your config file
[ 08/19/19 13:46:19.508 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] "paint-on-overlay"
has been removed as an option, and is enabled whenever possible
[ 08/19/19 13:46:19.508 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] "alpha-step" has been
removed, compton now tries to make use of all alpha values
[ 08/19/19 13:46:19.510 register_cm FATAL ERROR ] Another composite manager
is already running
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