Lucene is often cited as an excellent example of OO design.
That is kind, but the primary goal of Lucene is to provide functionality, not to use "correct" OO design. The two are not always in accord.
It seems the abstract base classes were created so there was a place to put the static 'helper' methods. Would it not be better to have separate interfaces and abstract base classes that the implementations could extend if necessary?
Functionally, the only thing an interface has that cannot be implemented by a class is multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance is useful for simple behaviour mixins, like Comparable and Cloneable, but is rarely useful with more complex method sets. So, in cases where every implementation needs the same helper methods and multiple inheritance is not needed, interfaces add nothing functionally except more code to be maintained. That said, an interface does have some documentation value.
The main problem seems to be the use of IndexReader in many interfaces, when it should be using a Searchable. Otherwise, what is the point of Searchable.
Searchable was added to provide an API appropriate for remote invocation, to support RemoteSearchable.
The following object use chain shows the 'pointlessness' of Searchable:
IndexReader is required by methods which implement search algorithms, run in a potentially remote JVM. Only the Query and TopDocs are transmitted over the wire, so only these are handled by Searchable methods. Other, higher-bandwidth data is handled further downstream in the call chain, and thus is processed locally on the remote machine.
The Query object has the method:
public Query rewrite(IndexReader reader) throws IOException...
but the entire search package is based on 'Searchable's, should it not be
public Query rewrite(Searchable searchable) throws IOException...
If not, the entire idea of 'external' searchable implementations break, because the end up having to 'know' an IndexReader, and IndexReader is a baseclass, etc.
IndexReader has a much richer API than Searchable. It is required for rewrite, which can, e.g., iterate over all terms in the index. Such iteration is not appropriate over RPCs.
The same goes for
public Weight weight(Searcher searcher);
should this not be a 'Searchable'?
I think this could be changed without harming anything. Weights are only ever constructed locally, so it wouldn't really make a difference.
The Weight interface has the following:
Scorer scorer(IndexReader reader) throws IOException;
Should it not be
Scorer scorer(Searchable searchable) throws IOException;
The same goes for explain().
Again, IndexReader's API is required to implement these methods. Searchable has only a very small API, that which can be efficiently invoked remotely.
It seems that Searchable was created because IndexReader was not an interface, but the methods have not been changed to use a Searchable instead of IndexReader.
No, Searchable and Searcher were created to provide the functionality of MultiSearcher and RemoteSearchable. There are search operations (like HitCollector-based searching) which are defined by Searcher, not Searchable, that may not be run remotely, but may be invoked locally over multiple indexes.
It seems many of the 'search' package classes use a 'Searcher', when they should be using a 'Searchable'. If these core classes really need the methods defined in 'Searcher', then these methods should be moved to 'Searchable'.
The Searchable interface should be restricted to methods which are useful in implementing effective, remotely invokable search.
Shouldn't 'Filter' just be an interface, with the method
boolean filter(int docnum);
as to whether or not the document should be filtered?
How would this make the world a better place?
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