Chuck wrote:
That's a good point on how the standard vector space inner product
similarity measure does imply that the idf is squared relative to the
document tf.  Even having been aware of this formula for a long time,
this particular implication never occurred to me.

The same holds for me :-)

Chuck wrote:
I researched the idf2 issue further and believe that empirical studies
have consistently concluded that one idf factor should be dropped.
Salton, the originator of the IR vector space model, decided to drop the
idf term on documents in order to avoid the squaring.  I hear he did
this after studying recall and precision for many variations of his

The cosine-distance and dot-product motivations should not be a dogma. One can question the idea of using the same representation (as vector of terms) for a query and a document. The intuition behind not squaring idf seems equally well-found as the dot-product/cosine-distance motivation. However, I also question empirical results here, since the right scoring of documents is also very subjective :-)

Chuck wrote:
Regarding normalization, the normalization in Hits does not have very
nice properties.  Due to the > 1.0 threshold check, it loses
information, and it arbitrarily defines the highest scoring result in
any list that generates scores above 1.0 as a perfect match.  It would
be nice if score values were meaningful independent of searches, e.g.,
if "0.6" meant the same quality of retrieval independent of what search
was done.  This would allow, for example, sites to use a a simple
quality threshold to only show results that were "good enough".  At my
last company (I was President and head of engineering for InQuira), we
found this to be important to many customers.

The standard vector space similarity measure includes normalization by
the product of the norms of the vectors, i.e.:

  score(d,q) =  sum over t of ( weight(t,q) * weight(t,d) ) /
                sqrt [ (sum(t) weight(t,q)^2) * (sum(t) weight(t,d)^2) ]

This makes the score a cosine, which since the values are all positive,
forces it to be in [0, 1].  The sumOfSquares() normalization in Lucene
does not fully implement this.  Is there a specific reason for that?

You are right. The normalization on the documents contribution is missing and there are the additional coord-factors. The current implementation is a mixture of dot-product and cosine-distance. Therefore, the additional normalization in Hits is necessary if one wants to avoid scores > 1.0.

Doug wrote:
The quantity 'sum(t) weight(t,d)2' must be recomputed for each document each
time a document is added to the collection, since 'weight(t,d)' is dependent
on global term statistics.  This is prohibitivly expensive.

weight(t,d) is currently computed on the fly in every scorer. BooleanScorer and ConjunctionScorer could collect the document normalization, and in the end the searcher could apply normalization. All Scorers would have to be extended to supply document normalization. Does this seem reasonable?

Chuck wrote:
To illustrate the problem better normalization is intended to address,
in my current application for BooleanQuery's of two terms, I frequently
get a top score of 1.0 when only one of the terms is matched.  1.0
should indicate a "perfect match".  I'd like set my UI up to present the
results differently depending on how good the different results are
(e.g., showing a visual indication of result quality, dropping the
really bad results entirely, and segregating the good results from other
only vaguely relevant results).  To build this kind of "intelligence"
into the UI, I certainly need to know whether my top result matched all
query terms, or only half of them.  I'd like to have the score tell me
directly how good the matches are.  The current normalization does not
achieve this.

The intent of a new normalization scheme is to preserve the current
scoring in the following sense:  the ratio of the nth result's score to
the best result's score remains the same.  Therefore, the only question
is what normalization factor to apply to all scores.  This reduces to a
very specific question that determines the entire normalization -- what
should the score of the best matching result be?

I would prefer your first idea with the cosine normalization, if an efficient implementation is possible. As stated above, I currently think it is possible.


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